Welcome to My Wacky World

Well behaved women rarely make history!So I plan not to behave to much, although this does not mean I have to throw out every manner.I think many have forgotten them. I.E. Screaming kids in the grocery store while I imagining breaking eggs over their screaming heads.I have 7 kids none of them would have done anything thing like that,although their Dad and I were thrown out of Toy R Us for riding bikes.It is important to teach your children to behave in all areas of life but also to have fun.If you stop living, learning and laughing in this life you start dying.There are far to many walking , breathing corpses out there, they have no clue that they have no foot in the grave. Life is to be lived!

I am a mother 44 who was paralyzed by a doctor drilling threw my spinal cord, my lower leg remains frozen in place.But I am WALKING. With the help of my Family and a great team of docs and PT Team.

So this Blog is everything from my writing to art ... to my pain. And never forget my crazy Family, kids and pets!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blast From the My Past

The other day I get a friend request on facebook, it is from a girl. The frist name I do not recall, but the last name I do, it is the name of a hero in one of my favorite movies.It has a messeges with it, "WOW!you look great !the kids have really grown up!"I tell my husband and a friend of ours about the request and the odd name.I tell them about the thought I have, that this maybe a friend of mine from the past playing a joke,about the play on words with the name and movie thing  or he has had a sex change I said with a laugh.
    So over the next few days we exchange emails, I am being causes in giving information. I feel in my bones that I have this one figured out but I still want to be sure. The frist exchange is about the cat I gave him, Tu and that he had died of old age, very old age 20. So I am confirmed this is who I thought it was, But why the girls name after all this man was 6 foot 2 or 3.The messeges go on for days and are still going on with tidbits of info here and there about people we knew, but he has yet to get to the really reason , and trust me there is a reason. This is a very purpose driven person. He did say that he would look me up every 5 or 6 yrs but never contact me, he says I know that sounds like a staker but I did not know how you would feel about what I have done, not telling me what he had done.He was a very intellegent person but had a very dark side to him, always seem unhappy.
The next messege comes telling me that he had in fact made the change because he had never been happy as a man,I just said great! Now I feel like she has reached out to me and I have dropped the ball and not helped at all. So how do I help? I mean I have been there for all my friends when they came out to there parents, got dumped by whom ever but this is different. I have no problem with who or what she has done I am happy that she is done the one thing that will make her happy. But to come looking for me after 20 yrs. There is something I need to do now I just need to do it right.I just want to be the kind of friend that she needs right now .... I can only hope

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